POEA Available Job Orders as of September 15-17 2014

Once again fellow job seekers whose looking for the Job abroad here's your chances to review which Job you think you are fit in to. As of this month you will see the below post which Job are available for abroad. The said job are listed below which are all based in POEA official website. Have take a look and see it for yourself what is job the for you.
Verify the agencies listed below if they are still on going of operation to send manpower abroad or if they have a license to participate to do that you can visit also the official website of POEA.

Old Passport Will Not Be Honored By October 2015 to Replaced by E-Passport

To all Filipinos with old passport are requires to change their passport on or before October 2015 because it will not be honor after the said date. This changes will comply based on International Civil Aviation Organization Standards. All passport holder with green and maroon color is require to renew and get the latest e-Passport.
The Dark maroon passport will be the machine ready readable passport that complies the standards. Those Filipino planning to workabroad you must renew or apply as soon as possible to avoid any circumstances.

POEA Available Job Orders in Taiwan [August 2014]

To all fellow job seekers out there who wants to try their luck in abroad especially in Asian country like Taiwan. Here are the list of available job orders for the month of August for Taiwan only. You may  take a minute to look below what kind of a job where you fit in. All the jobs on the list are based on the job order released of POEA, down below also indicates the agencies and the available positions.

Takenote: Please do confirms the licensed of agencies at POEA website to avoid any wrong circumstances.

DOLE Job Fairs Schedules for the Month of August and September

To all job seekers and hardworking Filipino out there, now heres your chances to participate and try your luck as DOLE set an   schedules for about 53 Job Fairs for the month of August and September. The Department of Labor and Employment [DOLE]recently announces the schedules of job fairs in different place of the Philippines. The list of of job fairs schedules are listed below, see if you can participate of this one of chances.

DOLE August Job Fairs Schedule

Now Circulating Online About The Video Of An OFW Who Allegedly Break The Laws Of Middle East [Watch The Video]

Now trending online, the video of OFW working in middle east who allegedly caught by authorities allowing her boyfriend to visit her. Mostly in the part of Middle East country the law of having a relationship is very strict especially if you're not married and also allowing your love ones entering in house where you live in is very prohibited just like what you've seen in the video posted below. As you can see the video a man was lay down after the raid while bleeding and the said OFW is crying.
credit to the owner
See the video:

New Taiwan Law About Married OFW (Imprisonment and Deportation)

Here's the latest news about OFW working in Taiwan regarding their newest law about married person working in the said country. On this Taiwan laws indicated wherein married foreign workers who alleged or caught having an affair to Taiwanese people or both races might be go into imprisonment or punish for immediate deportations. This law was made to protects family code of Taiwan due to worsen situation of having broken family.

2015 Philippine Holidays Released Based on Proclamation No. 831

Its early as 2015 the Philippine government officially announced the Holidays schedule for 2015. So now you will able to make your own schedules, early bookings if you planning to go somewhere or just plan something unique with your love ones. Let's see complete list of Philippine Holidays

POEA Available Approved Jobs Order in Canada as of July 1-11, 2014

It's been long time since the last post about available job orders in Canada. Now its time again to give you info about what kind of Jobs are now available in Canada. For those job hunters out there take a look below which jobs are fit in you so could go to its respective recruitment agency and ask for complete details but before that you must also confirm if the listed recruitment agency has still active license to operate.  You can also see here the list of Philippine recruitment agencies

Here are following available job orders in Canada

Updated List of Recruitment Agencies in the Philippines as June 2014

 Those whose planning to go abroad and looking for their respective recruitment agencies status you can now check out PH agencies details below.

Here are the updated list of license recruitment agencies in the Philippines based on POEA. Those listed recruitment agencies below will give the exact status of agencies your are looking for, whether it is permanently banned or still participating. Along with the list you can also check their exact address, website  and their representative.

You can also Download here in txt format: List of Recruitment Agencies and their status

POEA Available Job Orders in Australia as of May 2014

Fellow Job seekers we all know that recently the jobs available in Australia was not like as before, jobs offer are now limited for Filipino but still they can find a decent work there if you are qualified on the said positions. Now there are only two positions available listed in POEA website. See it below the recent job orders for May 2014.

POEA Now Available On Apps Get It For Free

Now leave your worries fellow job hunters because POEA is now gear to come up with their useful tool that lets you avoid from being recruit by some of illegal recruitment agency and agents. POEA Mobile App let you  also know some details of the agencies and the job you are applying for, also let you know the agency license status, address  and it gives the us the information about the latest available job orders abroad.

Stop Hiring and Affected Jobs List in Canada

Lot of us are wondering about the recent news of Canada stop hiring for Filipino people, This case are in very sensitive matter due to lot of Filipino workers will definitely lost their Jobs . Few of my friends who wants to work in Canada are thinking if they're are also affected of the said news and worrying what are those job are affected. If you are looking for the list of available Jobs in Canada to be freeze you can check it out below.

Available Jobs in Canada Are Now on Freeze; Find Out Why.

Many were repelled due to temporary suspension of foreign workers in Canada. Those affected are the several jobs in fastfood industry – attendants, helpers and related profession. This is due to the contentions to TFWP. As such, several jobs are no longer qualified for LMO. Said suspension greatly affects foreign workers especially Filipino workers.

March POEA Available Job Orders

Once again guys here is the another list of POEA available Job Orders in Canada for the month of March covered period of March 4-7 2014. If your looking for the job abroad and Canada is the one of your targeted working destinations then you must see the Job Orders below.

Advisory to Filipinos Planning to Work in Canada

Planning to Work in Canada 
For those job hunters who are planning to work abroad especially in your target country like Canada. You can take a minute to read this advisory that might help you.

Updated List of POEA Job Orders for Canada (February 4-11)

For those job hunters out there looking for jobs abroad especially those who wants to work in Canada here is the latest updated list from POEA Job Orders. Take a look for the available positions below and its agencies.

List of POEA Job Orders.

Recruitment Agencies with Cancelled and Suspended Licenses By POEA (as of January 2, 2014)

Hi fellow OFW job seekers its been while since my last post was made but now I would like to share to you guys about some information regarding those agencies whose got penalized by POEA due to its incompetent or some violations were made. Those recruitment agencies listed below got suspended and cancellation of their licensed. This post are intended to give information only.

                           Recruitment Agencies With Cancelled and Suspended Licensed