How To Verify Paypal Account Using RCBC MyWallet

If you are having problem verifying your account in Paypal here is another way on how you can verify your paypal account using RCBC MyWallet. In my own experienced I will discuss to you guys my step by step procedures on How I verified my account in Paypal.

how to verify paypal using rcbc mywallet

Procedures on how to verify your account in Paypal using RCBC Visa MyWallet.
* Login to your Paypal account.
* Click on Add Debit/Credit card.
* Fill-up the form and double if you enter the same information * when you apply for you MyWallet Visa Card.

Card type - select VISA
Card Expiry - see on the front "Expires End"
Card Number - 16 digit number found at the front of the card
Card Security Code - 3 digit number found at the back of the card

* Save and continue. Paypal will deduct an amount and send a code in your RCBC account. That is a 4-digit EXPUSE code which you will need to finally verify your account.
* To get the EXPUSE you have to e-mail RCBC and request for it. Make sure to include these informations in your e-mail:

Your full name
Your 16-digit card number
Your issuing branch
Your date of birth
Your telephone/mobile phone number
Your ddress
The date you link your card
The e-mail address I told you to tell RCBC to enter in their database.

and email it to

* Wait for their reply to get your EXPUSE code. Mine it takes 2 hours only when I received the code.
* When you receive your EXPUSE you need to login to your Paypal account again to finish the verification process. Just enter the EXPUSE code and your done. You now have a verified Paypal account.

how to verify paypal using rcbc mywallet_schinchu


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